The Price is Right Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Welcome to Christian Way Ministries where we are leading God’s people to the way to be saved; where creativity, relativity, ingenuity, and continuity of the Gospel is our top priority! When you really think about it, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news the world has ever heard simply because He is the only person in all of human history to overcome death and the grave! Not only that, the Gospel of Christ possesses the kind of transformational power that has completely changed the lives of millions of people, leaving those who don’t believe at a loss for words. This transformational power is one of the reasons why the price is right through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because He who was without sin became sin, so that those who believe in him might become the righteousness of God. Praise the Lord! So, as you enter our website, it is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will use the efforts of this platform to lead you to the only Road2TheCross to receive the salvation of the Lord in a world that contains many roads. May this website also bless and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to continue to fight the good fight for the greatest faith alive!

Where Relationship is Greater than Religion
Looking for a church that is all about establishing a relationship with God? Look no further! Christian Way Ministries is the church for you! Here at CWM we believe in establishing a personal relationship with God that will lead to a rich, full, and spiritual experience with Him and his people. Two of the greatest commandments in the Bible is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as your yourself, which is what we are all about!!

We are a come as you are Church, not a stay as you are Church
Christian Way Ministries is a Non-Denominational Contemporary Christian Church that is more concerned about what you look like on the inside than what you look like on the outside. “For man looks at the external appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” So, we invite you to explore our church just as you are, and let the Spirit of the Lord do the rest!
~This isn’t prosperity Gospel, this is Put-It-Into Practice Gospel~

Where we Practice the 5 P’s…
Where Discipleship & fulfilling the Great Commission is not optional but Intentional!!
Where Truth, Faith, Hope, and Love Matter...
Where Obedience is Better than Sacrifice!!!