Christian Way Ministries wants to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah; which is also known as the Festival of Dedication, or the Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is a holiday that commemorates the victory over Antiochus, the Syrian King who desecrated the temple in 165 BC. The famous account of the Maccabees is historically known for their successful rebellion against the Syrian Army. Hanukkah not only celebrates this victory, but it also commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem. Furthermore, in John 10:22-39, the Lord Jesus Christ himself is found in the temple during the Festival of Dedication where He makes the shocking claim in verse 30 that He and the Father “are one.” The Festival of Dedication is one of several accounts where Jesus is accused of blasphemy, and for claiming to be equal with God. It's not a coincidence that Jesus made this announcement of his deity on the day the Jews commemorated the rededication of the temple. Just as the seven Jewish festivals in Leviticus 23 find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus, the Festival of Dedication finds it’s ultimate fulfillment in Jesus too. Anyone who now believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior become living dedicated temples of the Spirit of Christ.
So, as you celebrate the Festival of Hanukkah, remember that you are not only celebrating the rededication of the temple, but you are also commemorating God’s divine intervention in human history! The Festival of Dedication is just one out of many instances God acted in history to keep his covenant promises to Israel, and to all who believe in his Son.
Happy Hanukkah!
For more information about this festival, please click on the link below.