We Need HIM!!
Devotion of the Day:
Uzzah’s death is a great example from Scripture that God doesn’t need our help or our hands to steady His Presence! He is Sovereign, Almighty, Creator, Holy, Infinite, Eternal, Majesty, Supreme, Incorruptible, and Undefeated!! Psalm 33:6 says that by “the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.”
Think about it…. All that is created and seen with the naked eye came into existence by God’s eternal Word! So, this idea that the eternal God needs the help of finite creatures is preposterous to say it mildly! He don’t need us, we NEED HIM!! He created us for His Glory, not ours!!! Notice David’s response afterwards in 1 Chronicles 13:12, “David was afraid of God that day and asked, ‘How can I ever bring the ark of God to me?’“ He couldn’t, only God could!!
In life, we have to understand first that there are certain things that only God can do. Second, when things begin to stumble in your life, sometimes you have to let them stumble instead of trying to prevent them from stumbling! At times, God causes certain things to stumble in your life as a test to your obedience. So, it’s importance when life feels like it’s collapsing around you, to remain steadfast, obedient, prayerful, and grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Lastly, when it comes to the kingdom of God, we must remember that it is God who calls us, equips us, commands us, and empowers us to do His Will, not the other way around. Too often people walk around with a sense of entitlement forgetting that they are only one swipe away from being breathless! Uzzah thought too much of himself by thinking He could help steady the very Presence of God and died!! Remember, God doesn’t need our help, WE NEED HIM!! We need Jesus to save us from our own sin, we need His blood to make us right before God, we need His grace upon grace, we need His Word that is sharper than any two-edge sword, and we need the precious Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us into all truth and understanding! We need HIM!!
Stay born-again my friends!!