Spiritual Blessings
Word of the Day:
The spiritual blessings referenced in this particular passage originate not from the earth, but directly from heaven. In other words, the blessings given to God’s people from the heavenly realms have no expiration date, because the One who disseminates them also has no expiration date! The spiritual blessings by far outweigh any temporal physical blessings. Think about this…, there is no physical blessing, no physical abundance, no amount of money, no material possession, or anything we can receive from this earth, from this natural world, which is described in Scripture as perishing that can be equated to the spiritual blessings God has given His people from heaven in Christ that will last for all eternity.
This is why the core of the Gospel message is not centered on anything that will fade away, but grounded in those things that are eternal. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Therefore, do not store up for your treasures on earth where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. Store up for yourselves the treasure of those spiritual blessings outlined in Ephesians 1 given directly by God who is eternal in your heart. Store up for yourselves God’s grace, store up for yourselves God’s election, store up for yourselves your adoption to sonship where you are included in God’s family forever, store up for yourselves forgiveness of sin, store up for yourselves the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that saved your soul from hell, store up for yourselves the precious Holy Spirit who will seal you onto the day of redemption, store up for yourselves the hope of a new city coming out of heaven, and store up for yourselves the free gift of eternal life. Store up for yourselves any good work that is done in this mortal life that has eternal value. Store up for yourselves the kingdom of God’s righteousness that justifies us through the blood of Jesus Christ that makes us right before a Holy Father, which is the only way to enter into His presence. Magnify these spiritual blessings that come directly from the heavenly realms where Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, where the very presence of God dwells, the holiest of holies! Store up these treasures that will last forever!!
Thank you Lord for such eternal gifts that will never perish, spoil, or fade! Who are we that you are mindful of us!! What kind of God we serve!!