God is Science!

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Proverbs 9:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

This may sound bizarre to put God and science in the same phrase in the 21st century, but to say that God is science.., well that's just nonsense, right? How can God be science? Well, that is a good question! According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term science means "to know or to have knowledge about something," and since the Proverb says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, it makes sense to conclude that God is science. Why? Because God is the source of all knowledge! How? Because God is knowable through His word in the Bible and without God, who can provide an answer to the origins of knowledge? Surely, knowledge didn't just evolve on its own through trial and error as some would suggest. Surely, the egg didn't come before the chicken. Surely, knowledge didn't come before the Giver of knowledge. How would a person even know to try something before the error without the knowledge to try it? 

Unfortunately, science minus God at the forefront cannot solve the origins enigma of knowledge, which makes sense when considering the fact that science by itself can only investigate the physical natural world, not the abstract entity of the origins of knowledge. Scientists cannot put knowledge under a microscope to observe where it came from. Furthermore, science has a difficult time investigating its own experiments on the natural world, which is evidenced by how often theories change whenever new information surfaces. For example, it wasn't too long ago that scientists concluded that pluto was NOT a planet after so many years! And, if you are wondering what other scientific theories have changed throughout the past couple of centuries, just click on this link below: http://discovermagazine.com/2000/oct/featblunders/.

On the other hand, the Bible gives us answers that science cannot answer. In regards to the origins of knowledge, the only plausible conclusion is God. Why? Because it only makes sense that a mind with knowledge created human beings with minds to possess knowledge. In addition, what's even more interesting is how people put their faith in the flawed system of science verses putting their faith in the un-flawed knowledge of God. In the Bible, God's word repeatedly states how perfect, good, just, and knowledgeable God is, and yet, God and the Bible in all of its perfect wisdom gets overlooked all because science allegedly cannot prove the existence of God himself. This argument by itself does't disprove God! Scientists who claim that God and the Bible cannot be proven fail to mention that the science of "archaeology" has proven hundreds of accounts mentioned in the Bible, which should count for something. What's even more fascinating about the Bible is that even though it was written over two thousand years ago, it still possesses knowledge that can be applied today in the 21st century, which again is proof that God's word is infinite and relevant. And believe it or not, before the study of science rocketed into existence a couple hundred years ago, God revealed certain truths in the Bible long before science could confirm it. Just check out the scientific facts in the Bible by clicking on this link below; http://www.jesuseveryday.com/free_christian_books/Scientific_Facts_in_the_Bible.pdf

In conclusion, it is true that the Bible is not a scientific book, however, that doesn't mean it possesses no scientific knowledge. If science cannot prove or explain the origins of knowledge, then one must search for an answer elsewhere, which is where the Bible can shed some infinite insight on this matter. The Bible says that God is the source of all knowledge, that God is the source of all understanding, and that God is the source of all creation; which in turn means that God is the source of all science! God is the supernatural being responsible for the origins of knowledge who preserved his Word (the Bible) for over two thousand years to tell his creation everything they need to know. The B.I.B.L.E is the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! Therefore, for those who have their doubts remember this, true science is all about knowing the truth, and there are many scientists who believe in God, who believe in Jesus Christ, and who believe that God inspired the writers of the Bible. So, be objective in your research for truth, let the evidence lead you, and remember that minus God, knowledge and reason are extinct! So, it's time to give credit where credit is due! #God-is-Science #Time4Truth

Dr. David Cruz Martinez