Misconceptions Clarified I; "Is Christianity a Myth?"

When it comes to the God in the Bible, to Jesus Christ, and to the Bible itself, anyone can find a multitude of misconceptions about Christianity in general on the Internet, on YouTube, on the bookshelf, and on the television. All you have to do is Google, “is Christianity a myth” and it will populate over two million results. It is quite amazing though to read the extent some of these critics will go just to discredit Christianity.

For instance, one misconception that many people are familiar with pertains to the Bible's human composition, and since the Bible was authored by human beings, it cannot be trusted as inspired revelation by God because it was written by human hands. Yet, the crazy thing about this misconception is that when someone criticizes the Bible, people are quick to believe them even though their work was humanly composed. What a logical paradox, right? If this is the case, then how can anybody believe in anything ever written by human hands? Especially, over the Bible that claims not once, not twice, not three times, but thousands of times its divine inspiration, and solidified with divine miracles. It is one thing to say or to write that something is inspired by God, and a completely different thing when that inspired saying or that inspired writing is confirmed by divine miracles. Jesus says in John 14:11, "to at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves." Meaning that the bible is not just a bunch of written words written by a bunch of human authors in vain. But, the Bible is a divine written compilation composed by several human authors that was confirmed by the many miracles performed by God himself, which separates the Bible from any other book in the whole world. The Bible says in 2 Peter 1:21, "For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."

Furthermore, this misconception that the Bible cannot be trusted because of its human composition should be a standard applied across the spectrum. If one standard is to be applied, shouldn't it be applied universally? If the Bible cannot be trusted because of its human composition, shouldn't that same standard be applied universally?

Intriguingly, the misconceptions, the criticisms, and the lies that are being spread in the twenty-first century about Christianity is really nothing new believe it or not. The picking and choosing what to believe and what not to believe despite the evidence is in fact very common. It is documented in the Gospel of John 5:43-44 of Jesus' confrontation with the Jewish leaders that many will believe other human beings over the God who manifested himself in the flesh; who by the way performed many miracles beyond any other human being in all of human history combined to include the resurrection from the worst type of capital punishment in the crucifixion. And, even though the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is historically documented by very early Christian and Non-Christian sources, even though the science of archaeology has proven the Bible correct on a multitude of occasions, and even though the fulfillment of prophecies contained in the Bible is unlike any other book in the whole world, these sources cannot be trusted because of its human origins… NONSENSE!! If this is the case, then nothing ever written can be trusted, which ultimately eliminates any argument against Christianity because of their human composition. So, whoever advocates this position against the Bible immediately loses credibility for their own argument, and therefore, the misconception is cleared! If the Bible cannot be trusted because of its human composition, then nothing ever written can be trusted (which we know not to be true) to include the works of those who use this kind of argument.

So, if anyone wants to search for the truth “objectively” minus any biases or any anti-Christian agendas by utilizing "credible" academic sources (not a YouTube video or a Facebook post), a person can and will surely find the real truth. You just have to research what you research! Double check the references, double check the information, and double check when the source was written. The problem many people have when it comes to research is that people tend to believe non-witness testimony over eyewitness testimony. People tend to believe the first thing they see or read instead of digging deeper into their research. However, little do some know that the twenty-seven books found in the New Testament are all eyewitness historical testimonies written no later than the first century, yet people want to believe what other people are saying two thousand years after the life of Christ, which is NONSENSE again. If you want to know the truth, you have to examine the sources closest to the situation, not farthest from the situation!  

Lastly, Jesus makes this very exclusive claim in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life,” and if you examine the life of Jesus individually against any other human being to ever live on this planet earth, you will come to the conclusion that He was indeed the “unique” Son of the Living God; the Word that became flesh and dwelt among men, and the "only way" to the Father in heaven. Unfortunately, there are many people who will just not believe even though the evidence speaks for itself. God could have inscribed the Bible with his own finger like He did with the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and yet, people will still find ways to discredit God, discredit his son Jesus Christ, and discredit the written revelation of God in the Bible.

Jesus said it best in Luke 16:31, "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."

#Time4Truth #Misconceptions #Clarified